Learn and Learning.

Learn and Learning.

My lecture said in one time that someone who learn and learning on and on in his lifetime. The opportunnity of life is much better rather than not.

The HDI (human development index) catagories the healt in one of it observation the other is education and human resource.

In the development country nor in under development one, the HDI is restless in healthy and education for sure the human resource too as well.

For that many of government in world wide is go forward to increase the index by expent more money to built the people. Some advanced government encourage by freeing the education until university. Nor they freeing the curing fee when the people checking their healthy to the hospital.

In Indonesia specificly, the government is freeing the education for it people until 9 year education. Perhaps it was not enough but the budget is not enough. In healthy some of district gouvernment is free of charge when it’s people gone to local government clinic.

Many thing that I would like to share, but in my english capability and english vocabulary is short. I hope this article is enough to fullfil your curiousity.

Sincerely hope you leave comment, so I can improve my article in ahead.


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